About Us
Women and Wisdom began in New York City in 1979 when programs, events and self-empowerment opportunities were offered at our Center in the West Village for 6 years. Spiritual Wise Woman, Gloria Karpinski was a major teacher to hundreds of women in New York City during that time and has continued to be a treasured mentor. One of our memorable events was a Healing Service for the Planet held at a major 5th Avenue Church with an original Litany written by Gloria and performed with several Women and Wisdom Members. It just so happened that our evening service occurred on Saint Patrick's Day and two or three of the revelers found their way into our audience with their green faces, festive hats and costumes, chanting with the rest of the audience of more than 300.
During the late 1980's we operated in Mississippi under the name Light and Power Productions. We held workshops, and notably a Gulf Coast beach gathering the day of the Harmonic Convergence; produced several recordings of Gloria Karpinski's talks and meditations, and also tapes by Tom Kenyon.
In the 1990’s Women and Wisdom emerged in Greensboro where we sponsored the Tibetan Monks from the Atlanta Monastery, and sponsored a city wide World Peace Meditation Evening. We Co-Sponsored with Holy Trinity Episcopal Church the Rev. Lauren Artress sharing the Labyrinth as a spiritual meditation for the first time in the city and held numerous Mystical Salons, Retreats, and workshops including Art and Mysticism, Past Life Regressions, Mystical Christianity, Sacred Circles, the Holy Grail Today, and a year long Shamanism Training with Oscar Miro-Quesada, with an in-depth Mystical Journey to Peru for participants.
Gabrielle Beard and Cass Catlett established Women and Wisdom Foundation as a non-profit organization in 2003. In the years since we have published two books by Dr. Linda B. Brown as well as a CD, held programs, Meditation evenings, published an online newsletter and held a Retreat with International Spiritual Teacher and author Miranda Macpherson.
Gabrielle's early career as a tenured Sociology professor at the University of Mississippi, program director for Continuing Education programs, executive positions in non-profits, and and a passion for meaningful community and spiritual growth and social justice has influenced her path and service.

Gabrielle Beard, Founder

Cass Catlett,
Cass began her spiritual journey in her teens with her Mother's guidance with teachers in New York City including Krishnamurti and Joel Goldsmith. Spiritual deepening has been the bedrock of this talented Renaissance woman with an eclectic career path from directing a fitness center, working in health care, to having her own Environmental Transformation business as a professional organizer to becoming an accomplished Watercolor Artist.
Why Women? A Chinese proverb says “women hold up half the sky.” A core belief of Women and Wisdom has been the awareness that women must emerge into their full power as co-creators if we are to heal ourselves and to bring peace to the planet.
And Wisdom? The phrase “wise-woman” reveals the meaning. Women have an intuitive wisdom and holistic view that the world needs. We believe it is this – coupled with our deep connection to Spirit – that will bring us to balance. It is our right and responsibility to claim our place upon the planet, to intuit the way, to bring into fullness feminine energy through our walk and our talk.
We invite and welcome like-minded men as well!
Women and Wisdom Foundation seeks to provide an avenue for communion with self and service to others by encouraging people to awaken to their inner wisdom and passionate creativity. Our intention is to design and implement events and communications focusing on the psycho-spiritual and creative well being of all individuals, enhancing the human spirit and promoting conscious growth for all​. We welcome you to join in our journey. If you wish to be notified of programs, please click here to sign up for our mailing list or call 336-681-3421

Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.
-Mother Theresa
Buddha Nature by Cass Catlett