"Notice the Mystery that births everything into being. Birthed you into being. Vast, powerful and pure, it wants to itself. Wants you to know I AM." ~ Miranda Macpherson
Discovering New Pathways to a More Authentic Spiritual Life.
Because we are facing unparalleled dynamic challenges in our World today, we are led to connect with one another as never before. It will be comforting to know that we are not alone on our shared journey.
Peace within and without will be more available if we are willing to reach out to exciting new areas of personal growth and sources of Grace. It is our aspiration that these PATHWAYS will be illuminating to each of you as we grow stronger and wiser together.
Featured Artist
We will feature Women and Wisdom friends who offer programs and teachings that can empower and inspire you on your deepening Spiritual Journey. Our featured artist this month is Linda Beatrice Brown, author and spiritual teacher.
Consider This (For my Son)
I thought I had to be perfect and hid judgment in my body. And it became pain.
I thought that love was scarce, invisible and not for me. And it became pain.
I hid loneliness behind my eyes and pain had a seat there . And it became illness.
I swallowed the voices of others, voices that sickened and blamed,
voices that became mine, quietly rude and vicious,
So pain took up residence in my head; and pain rented a space in my neck,
and under my heart and held the rights to my love of life.
And Spirit said,
Before you curse the darkness of your pain consider this: In the pain that visited you are many blessings.
Pain came as a guest not as a permanent resident. Like any good guest, it is not eternal.
And like any good guest it brought you a gift- the blessing of choice.
Because of the pain of rejection you chose to claim your right be whole.
Because of the pain of lies you chose to be faithful to your heart’s truth.
Because of the pain of hatred you chose to witness for love.
Because of the pain of suffering you chose to have compassion for all.
Because of the pain of misunderstanding you chose forgiveness.
Because of the pain of grief you chose to have humility before the grandeur of existence.
© Linda Beatrice Brown
Miranda Macpherson
Miranda Macpherson is a powerful Spiritual teacher who's presence will inspire all who are ready to become part of this inflection point in Earths societal evolution. We are pleased to share this video below on Non Dual teachings. Miranda discusses the I AM presence that we all inherently are and the ways of removing the obstacles and veils that close us off from the direct experience of the depth of our own being. Listen and learn how to loosen and dissolve the false identifications within us.
Links for Spiritual Inspiration and Daily Wisdom
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"Emerging" by Cass Catlett