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Women and Wisdom

Women's Wisdom Blog

Updated: Jul 23, 2019

To the fellow travelers,

the unlooked for blessings,

the gifts on the side of the road, 

the angels in the shadows,

the unexpected saviors,

the protectors from the storm,

the hidden treasures in the wilderness.

You who have been the company of pilgrims,

who have journeyed toward the Great Mystery with me,

you have brought shared nourishment,

diamonds of enlightenment,

shelter from the rains of sadness,

the courage of community,

songs of the sisterhood,

reassurance of the brotherhood,

the clarity of truth, and the renewal of hope.

I have been in the company of pilgrims.

We have walked the way together, 

you who have the courage of commitment and the vision of faith,

and I

certain that the way leads ever inward 

to the shrine of the Beloved

our sacred center.

In my heart there is a sanctuary of gratitude

where the deepest prayers of thanks are offered.

I hold you there always.

Linda Beatrice Brown— June 2019

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As we contemplate human behavior on our planet right now, we can’t help but see that so many are out of touch with their humanity, greedy, grabby, self centered. Egos are out of control, hurting themselves, others, the environment, causing despair and a sense of hopelessness. What can possibly change this trajectory? There is a very real need for more of us to become more awake, graceful, grounded in what is Real and connected to the deepest Love of our heart. When we begin to really See that we, and Nature are All being lived and breathed by the same Mystery, we naturally act more kindly, wisely, maturely. Aligned and open to this, we become what Miranda calls “Grace Delivery Devices” that affect everything and everyone around us.

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Updated: Mar 12, 2020

Spiritual Author and Teacher, Miranda Macpherson

We often think and live like we can gain Beauty, Love, Freedom, Joy in the realm of things and achievments. We try really hard until it dawns on us that it’s not possible to get “outside” of us what we can only find at the depths of our Being. We can come to know and abide in it because it is fundamentally who and what we are. Miranda offers a clear path through holistic self inquiry, diving in and through our experiences in heart, mind and body to see what and who is really here and for Grace to come awake in our experience and transform our life and to retrieve what she calls “the Jewel of Our Being."

Watch her video below:

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